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Treating and Relieving Dry Eye with Professional Vision

Dry eye syndrome (DES) is a common condition that affects many people, causing discomfort, irritation, and vision problems. At Professional Vision, we offer comprehensive treatments to alleviate the symptoms and improve your eye health to help you live a more productive, enjoyable life.

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Understanding Dry Eye Syndrome

DES ccurs when your eyes do not produce enough tears or when the tears evaporate too quickly. This can result in a lack of lubrication on the eye's surface, causing symptoms such as burning, itching, redness, and blurred vision. Factors like aging, environmental conditions, and certain medical conditions can contribute to the development of dry eye disease.

Treating Dry Eye with Ease

At Professional Vision, we make use of the latest advancements in dry eye treatment to offer you the best care possible. Our treatment options include:

  1. Blephex: This in-office procedure works by removing debris and bacteria from the eyelids, which are common contributors to dry eye symptoms. Blephex improves eyelid hygiene, reducing inflammation and promoting healthier tear production.
  2. iLux: iLux is an innovative device designed to unclog the meibomian glands, which are responsible for producing the oil layer of your tears. By clearing these glands, iLux enhances tear quality and stability, providing long-lasting relief from dry eye discomfort.
  3. Artificial Tears and Lubricating Drops: These over-the-counter solutions help by temporarily relieving dryness and irritation and adding moisture to the eyes. Our eye care professionals can recommend the best products for your specific condition.
  4. Prescription Medications: For more severe cases of dry eye, we may prescribe medications that reduce inflammation or increase tear production. These medications can provide significant relief and improve the overall health of your eyes.

5. Lifestyle and Environmental Changes: Making simple adjustments to your daily routine, such as using a humidifier, taking regular breaks from screens (using the 20-20-20 rule), and staying hydrated, can significantly impact your dry eye symptoms. We may also make recommendations about the best foods to incorporate into your diet for optimal eye health

Personalized Eye Care and Dry Eye Relief at Professional Vision

Our team in Ellicott City is dedicated to providing personalized care for each patient. We understand that dry eye disease affects everyone differently, and we’ll work closely with you to develop a treatment plan that speaks to your unique needs.

Don't let dry eye syndrome affect your quality of life. Visit us at Ellicott City to learn more about our dry eye treatments and how we can help you achieve optimal eye health. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 410-457-3060 today.

ilux mgd treatment

How Does iLux Work?

iLUX® uses a light-based heat to apply therapeutic warming followed by expression to treat blocked glands and encourage the production of healthy oil. iLUX® is a portable and customizable procedure that allows us to tailor the treatment to each individual patient’s dry eye needs. The treatment is fast, only 8-12 minutes for the entire procedure.

Am I a Good Candidate For iLUX?

If you suffer from dry eye symptoms, use artificial tears or find that you have irritated eyes following device use, talk to your doctor to see if you are a candidate for our new in-office procedure.

Important Information for iLUX® Device:

The iLUX® Device is used to heat and compress glands in the eyelids of adult patients with a specific type of dry eye, called Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), also known as evaporative dry eye.

Potential side effects may include eyelid/eye pain requiring stopping the treatment procedure, eyelid/eye irritation or inflammation, temporary reddening of the skin, and other eye symptoms (burning, stinging, tearing, itching, discharge, redness, feeling like there is something in the eye, changes in your vision, sensitivity to light).


Professional Vision is excited to announce that we are now performing the BlephEx® procedure. BlephEx® is an in-office procedure to help clean your lid margin, which promotes overall ocular surface health.

Our office had identified you as a candidate for this procedure; please give us a call at 410-457-3060 to set up your appointment to help jump-start good lid hygiene today.

BlephEx® is a simple in-office procedure performed by us, your eye care professionals. Much like plaque on teeth, your eyelids can accumulate a sticky, hard shell known as biofilm. Over time, this plaque-like biofilm, Demodex, and other difficult to remove debris can build up. In the same way that regular teeth cleanings promote dental health, getting your eyelids cleaned is one way to support healthy eyes.

By gently and effectively cleaning the area around the eyelashes, BlephEx® has been shown to reduce lid debris on the eyelid margin by more than 50%.*

Important Information for BlephEx®:

The BlephEx® System is used to remove excess debris on the eyelid margin by a health care professional. Numbing drops will be put into your eyes before treatment with BlephEx®.

Ask your eye care professional for a complete list of safety information for BlephEx®.

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