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Why You Should Use Vision Benefits Before Year-End

As the year comes to a close, now is the time to use your vision benefits before they expire. Schedule an eye exam, explore LASIK,...

Changes in your Davis Vision coverage as of November 1st

Dear Valued Patients, Effective November 1, 2024, we will no longer be participating with Davis Vision insurance. We remain committed to your eye health and...

Eye Exam Saves Woman’s Life by Detecting Brain Tumor Early

Here's how eye exams helped save Katie's vision and quality of life. Call Professional Vision to schedule your appointment.

Contact Lenses With HEV Filters Reduce Light Scatter

HEV filter contact lenses are specially designed to filter out high-energy visible (HEV) light, also known as blue light. HEV light can cause eye strain...

Why You Should Get Custom-Made Reading Glasses

If you’ve got age-related farsightedness (presbyopia), you might be tempted to buy a pair of over-the-counter (OTC) reading glasses. While OTC readers are cheap and...

Breast Cancer Awareness Month – How Treatment Can Affect Your Vision

During Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we celebrate survivors as we alert patients to the potential effects of treatment on their eyes and vision.

How Does Blue Light Impact Your Sleep?

Do you look at digital screens during the course of your day? If you do, you’re being exposed to blue light rays. The best way...

Is It Okay To Wear Expired Contact Lenses?

Did you know that contact lenses can expire? Well, they can. Wearing contacts past their expiration date - or longer than their prescribed time -...

4 Eye Conditions Linked To Sun Exposure

Before you head outdoors, grab your UV-blocking sunglasses and sun hat to protect your eyes from these 4 eye conditions.

What Lens Color Is Best For Sunglasses?

In the market for stylish new shades but aren’t sure which lens tint to choose? We’re here to help.

5 Reasons We Love Photochromic Lenses

Tired of switching between regular glasses and sunglasses? Photochromic lenses darken when you’re outside and lighten when you’re indoors—all the while providing full UV protection....

Why Are My Eyes Dry in the Morning?

Do your eyes feel dry, itchy and uncomfortable as soon as you get up in the morning? Your eye doctor can determine the underlying cause and...

Eye Makeup Tips For Those With Dry Eyes

Do your eyes feel irritated when you wear eye makeup? Your eye makeup routine might not be dry-eye-friendly. Here we explain why certain eye makeup...

Can Your Eye Doctor See Floaters?

Eye floaters look like little specks or shapes that glide Eye Care Clinic across your visual field. They can resemble dark specks, outlined strings, or...